TFCI Guide for
Indigenous People and Local Communities
Developed by select members of the “Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities” working group, this summary version of the TFCI Guide synthesizes the content of the original guide to make it more accessible to Indigenous Peoples and local communities.
Learn more about The Guide
About the Guide
The Tropical Forest Credit Integrity (TFCI) Guide has been developed for companies interested in purchasing carbon credits in the voluntary carbon market to differentiate among forest carbon credits by impact, quality, and scale. This will help move the market toward credits with high social and environmental integrity.
The Guide is designed to assist decision-making by individuals and teams responsible for developing and implementing corporate climate mitigation and net-zero strategies.
The eight authoring organizations initially issued the TFCI Guide in May 2022 and followed with an updated Version 2 in February 2023 that includes new detailed and actionable implementation guidance.
Made possible by a grant from Bezos Earth Fund, the TFCI Guide is the result of an 18-month long collaboration between the eight organizations in consultation with diverse stakeholders from around the world, facilitated by the Meridian Institute.
Evolution of Voluntary Carbon Markets Governance
The TFCI Guide is part of an evolving ecosystem of initiatives and resources focused on governance of voluntary carbon markets. We recognize and value the work of the many other initiatives and platforms seeking to improve the integrity of voluntary carbon markets, in which many of our organizations participate. These include the Integrity Council for Voluntary Carbon Markets (IC-VCM), the Natural Climate Solutions Alliance (NCSA), the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity initiative (VCMI), and the Carbon Credit Quality Initiative (CCQI). These and other initiatives are working to provide guidance on both the supply- and demand-side carbon credit quality issues as well as guidance on credits beyond the forest sector. We intend to collaborate with these initiatives to support the evolution of a consistent, coherent, inclusive, equitable, and efficient framework for voluntary carbon market governance. Indeed, we do not intend to create a new entity; rather, we seek to actively advocate for uptake of the guide by these and other initiatives and platforms. .
What’s Next
Following the launch of the updated TFCI Guide, the authoring organizations will release additional practical resources to assist tropical forest carbon credit buyers in conducting the due diligence recommended in the Guide.
Quotes from
Authoring Organizations

What Stakeholders
are Saying
Asked Questions
What is the purpose of the Tropical Forest Credit Integrity Guide?
The Guide was developed to support companies interested in purchasing carbon credits in the voluntary carbon market as part of their beyond value chain mitigation strategy. It provides recommendations on how to differentiate among forest carbon credits and help move the market toward credits with high social and environmental integrity.
Who is the intended audience for the guidance?
This Guide is designed to assist decision-making by individuals and teams responsible for developing and implementing corporate climate mitigation/net-zero strategies. It is also intended for consultants and those who advise companies on these topics. The Guide is therefore intended for a technical audience familiar with forest carbon credits.
Does this guidance provide a standard against which performance can be certified?
While this Guide is not a standard against which performance can be certified, it is our strong hope that those who set relevant standards will consider incorporating the recommendations detailed in the guidance.
What are the next steps?
The Guide, first launched in May 2022, was developed by eight authoring organizations and was informed by an open global consultation process. In February 2023, the organizations launched a second version of the guide with additional actionable implementation guidance. Following the release of the second version of the Guide, the authoring organizations intend to encourage companies as well as other carbon market integrity initiatives to adopt the recommendations and drive action that generates real carbon emissions reductions.
Did you consult with any other stakeholders when developing the guidance?
Our consultation process engaged diverse stakeholders around the world from December 1, 2021, through February 15, 2022. We are grateful for their participation and input. Our views were informed and improved as a result. The consultation process also identified areas that required more detailed guidance. We worked together to address some of these complex issues in a second phase, which concluded in October 2022. Our second round of consultation, Version 2, was more limited and took place in the fall of 2022.
Can other organizations engage with the process?
If you are interested in providing a statement of support for the guidance, please contact
How are the organizations involved working with the existing initiatives focused on carbon credits?
We recognize and value the work of the many other initiatives and platforms seeking to build and improve the integrity of voluntary carbon markets, in which many of our organizations also participate, including the Integrity Council for Voluntary Carbon Markets (IC-VCM), the Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity initiative (VCMI), the Natural Climate Solutions Alliance (NCSA), the Carbon Credit Quality Initiative (CCQI), and others. It is our intent to collaborate with these initiatives to support the evolution of a consistent, coherent, inclusive, equitable, and efficient framework for voluntary carbon market governance.
Is this a new initiative?
We do not intend to create a new entity; rather, we seek to actively advocate that other initiatives and platforms incorporate this guidance.
In the News

VERGE Net Zero 2022 | TFCI Guide – The Role of Indigenous Peoples in Nature Conservation
Get in Contact
For media inquiries regarding the TFCI Guide, please email
For questions regarding engaging with the TFCI Guide, please email